Extra Curricular

Déantar daltaí a spreagadh chun páirt a ghlacadh i réimse leathan imeachtaí seach-churaclaim. Tá tábhachtach acu seo maidir le forbairt phearsanta, comhoibriú agus spiorad foirne a chuir chun cinn. Orthu seo tá:

All students are encouraged to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities. These play an important part in promoting personal development, co-operation and team spirit. They include:

Turasanna Oideachais

Educational Trips
Turasanna Scoile School Tours
Cluic: Games:
Cispheil Basketball
Sacar Soccer
Cluichí Gaelacha Gaelic Games
Lúthchleasa Athletics
Comortais Competitions
Aithris Fiíochta Poetry Recitation
Díospóireacht/ Labhairt go Poiblí Debating/Public Speaking
Gaisce Presidents Award
Obair  Charthannachta Charity Work

Comhairle na nÓg